Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sá Bob Dylan í Jersey. Kallinn var góður, nýi diskurinn mjög góður. Hér er textinn við eitt besta lagið af disknum.

Nettie Moore af Modern Times

Lost John's sittin' on a railroad track
Something's out of whack
Blues this mornin' fallin' down like hail
Gonna leave a greasy trail

Gonna travel the world is what I'm gonna do
Then come back and see you.
All I ever do is struggle and strive.
If I don't do anybody any harm, I might make it back home alive.

I'm the oldest son of a crazy man,
I'm in a cowboy band
Got a pile of sins to pay for and I ain't got time to hide
I'd walk through a blazing fire, baby, if I knew you was on the other side

Oh, I miss you, Nettie Moore
And my happiness is o'r
Winter's gone, the river's on the rise
I loved you then, and ever shall
But there's no one left here to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes

Well, the world of research has gone berserk
Too much paperwork
Albert's in the graveyard, Frankie's raising hell
I'm beginning to believe what the scriptures tell

I've gone where the Southern crosses The Yellow Dog
Get away from all these demagogues
And these bad luck women stick like glue
It's either one or the other or neither of the two

She says, "Look out, daddy, don't want you to tear your pants
You could get wrecked in this dance."
They say whisky'll kill you, but I don't think it will
I'm ridin' with you to the top of the hill

Oh, I miss you, Nettie Moore
And my happiness is o'r
Winter's gone, the river's on the rise
I loved you then, and ever shall
But there's no one left here to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes

Don't know why my baby never looked so good before
Don't have to wonder no more
She been cooking all day, it gonna take me all night
I can't eat all that stuff in a single bite

The judge's coming in, everybody rise
Lift up your eyes
You can do what you please, you don't need my advice
'Fore you call me any dirty names, you better think twice

Gettin' light outside, the temperature dropped
I think the rain has stopped
I'm gonna make you come to grips with fate
When I'm through with you, you'll learn to keep your business straight

Oh, I miss you, Nettie Moore
And my happiness is o'r
Winter's gone, the river's on the rise
I loved you then, and ever shall
But there's no one left here to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes

The bright spark of the steady lights
Has dimmed my sights
When you're around me all my grief gives 'way
A life time with you is like some heavenly day

Everything I've ever known to be right has been proven wrong
I'll be drifting along
The woman I'm loving she rules my heart
No knife could ever cut our love apart.

Today I'll stand in faith and raise
The voice of praise
The sun is strong, I'm standing in the light
I wish to God that it were night

Oh, I miss you, Nettie Moore
And my happiness is o'r
Winter's gone, the river's on the rise
I loved you then, and ever shall
But there's no one here left to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes


Anonymous said...

Nei heyrðu! ertu kominn með nýtt blogg .. voðalega er ég sein. Flott mynd af ykkur Erlu í nördasloppunum fyrir neðan, er ákaflega hrifin af svona sloppum

Anonymous said...

Það nýjasta sem ég hrópa þessa daganna er: útaf með New York inná með Reykjavík. Svo gríp ég í tilvitnnun frá Hjalta: "Reykjavík city, I love it", og hugsa því næst um ljóðlínu í ljóði sem mig langar að lesa aftur: "og djöfullinn spanderar enn einum deginum á the reykjavík city". Það er stöðugt verið að spandera á okkur og ég segi: það er sama hvaðan gott kemur. En við skulum fara varlega með orð, they could backfire, they could blow up. Að lokum er það eitt og aðeins eitt, gætum okkar á þeim sem telja sig hafa tak á hreðjum guðs.

skallinn said...

á ekkert að renna yfir það helsta sem var i gangi i NYC??

Anonymous said...

Mjög svo sárt fynnst heldri manni að engar ferðafrásagnir séu frá þessari dvöl ykkar AFO í landi tækifærana. Hef ég nú ítrekað reynt að af þér tali en engin viðbrögð við þessum mjög svo ágætu tilraunum fengið.

kveðja Jóhann G aka AMMAN

Anonymous said...

Sammála síðasta ræðumanni. Áfram með þetta!

Og fáðu þér nýtt kómentakerfi.


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